Friday, August 2, 2024

Masabumi Kikuchi - Part 4

Hey there. Back again with our next installment into the catalog of pianist, Masabumi Kikuchi.

First up for today is the 1974 release, East Wind. This time around we have Kohsuke Mine on tenor sax, Terumasa Hino on trumpet, Juni Booth on bass and Eric Gravatt on drums. Only 2 tracks here, 1 nearly 20 minutes long and the other nearly 25 minutes. 

Both tunes are excellent here. Mine and Hino play wonderfully throughout. Good stuff.

Two years later in 1976, Kikuchi released Wishes, under the moniker of Kochi. Quite the supporting group here. We again have Hino on trumpet, Dave Leibman is on soprano sax and flute, Steve Grossman is on soprano and tenor saxes, Reggie Lucas is on electric guitar, Anthony Jackson is on bass, M'tume is on percussion with the excellent Al Foster on drums. 

This one starts off a little oddly and by about halfway through the opening tune it kicks into gear. I would consider this our first fusion album we've come across. "Caribbean Blue" is a very nice tune, as is "Electric Ephemeron" although it does seem to end abruptly. 

But Not For Me is next for us. Recorded in NYC in 1978, joining in support we have Gary Peacock on bass, Alyrio Lima, Azzedin Weston and Badal Roy on percussion with Al Foster again on drums. 

The percussionists are on full display on "Pumu: #1" which is a fun tune. Another highlight here would be the closing tune, "A Leaf." Not a bad album by any means.

We move into the 1980s for our next release. Susto was released in 1981 on Columbia. A pretty sizeable personnel list on this one so please check the link for a full breakdown. Only 4 tunes here and all originals from Kikuchi. I like finding good albums from the 80s, which are certainly hit or miss. 

This one starts off with a little spacey funkiness in "Circle/Line." "City Snow" features some great Rhodes play from Kikuchi that I wish we heard a little more of. "Gumbo" is next which has a nice reggae vibe to it. A sound I dig. Reminds me of one of my favorites, Ryojiro Furusawa. This one closes with another solid, albeit scattered, tune in "New Native." Another solid album in the books.

Last album for today is also from the 1980s. Perhaps my favorite album thus far is the 1982 release, One-Way Traveler. Another sizeable personnel list that varies tune to tune so please check the link for a full breakdown. All originals again from Kikuchi. 

This one starts off with the massive tune, "Alacalder" which features great play from Steve Grossman on soprano sax and Terumasa Hino on cornet. But I really start to dig this one on the next funky tune, "Sum Dum Fun." We also get to hear some clavinet on "Madjap Express" which also features great play from Hino and Grossman. This one closes with a brief tune, "Sky Talk" and we have another rock solid album in the books.

We have a few more to go so stay tuned!

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