Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Teruo Nakamura - Part 3

Hey everybody - sorry for the delay on the final installment for bassist Teruo Nakamura. Unfortunately, the music I'll be sharing today is mostly forgettable. I'm going to keep this post short so we can move on to other sounds. 

There are 4 albums to share today but for me only 1 has some tunes on it that I dig. In 1981, Teruo released an album titled Route 80. The title track, "Gemini Rising" and "Midnight Song" are highlights here for me. 

The following 3 albums are as follows: 1985's Super Friends, 1990's Wind Smile and 2016's New Your Groove. Honestly I didn't make it entirely through any of these albums. They are either too smooth for me, or have too much of a late-80s, early 90s sound for my liking. No disrespect to Teruo or the fans who enjoy this era of jazz; it's just not for me. I'll let you decide. By my count, we went 4.5 out of 9 for Teruo.

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