Friday, June 7, 2024

Bennie Maupin - Penumbra (2006)

Hey there. Been travelling a lot this week so I haven't had time to knock out a post. Today we're going to take a quick peek at another album from reeds-savant Bennie Maupin. We took a deeper at Bennies' albums during our time looking into Herbie Hancock.

Released on Cryptogramophone in 2006 as the Bennie Maupin Ensemble, Penumbra features Polish bassist Darek Oleszkiewicz, percussionist Munyungo Jackson and drummer Michael Stephans.  As usual, Bennie employs the bass clarinet, tenor and soprano saxes and the bass flute. According to discogs he also plays a little piano here on the closing tune "Equal Justice." 14 tracks on this one and mostly calm vibes throughout. Some tunes are very short and some are solo Bennie tunes too. 

Favorites here would be "Message To Prez", "See The Positive" and "The 12th Day", despite being a pretty short tune. Overall a pretty solid album albeit with some noodling here and there. I have a few things planned for upcoming posts so stay tuned. 


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